Amy is building a house .the basement floor is at -15feet. the roof of the house is above the ground 25 feet. express the comparison of heights as an equality . explain the meaning of the inequality


15 + 25 = ?

Hey Ms. Sue I answered my questions, can you check them please? Sorry to bother you I didn't know how to reach you



But does in it say express the comparison

To express the comparison of heights as an equality, we can use a mathematical equation. Let's assume "x" represents the height from the basement floor.

The height from the basement floor to the ground level is -15 feet, and the height from the ground level to the roof is 25 feet. Therefore, the total height of the house can be calculated by adding these two values:

x + (-15) + 25 = x + 10

This equation expresses the comparison of heights in terms of the variable "x."

Now, let's explain the meaning of the inequality. An inequality compares two quantities and determines the relationship between them using specific symbols. In this case, we want to express the inequality comparing the height from the basement floor to the ground level and the height from the ground level to the roof.

Given that the height from the basement floor to the ground level is -15 feet and the height from the ground level to the roof is 25 feet, we can write the inequality as:

-15 < x < 25

This inequality indicates that the height "x" is greater than -15 feet (the basement floor level) and less than 25 feet (the roof level). In other words, the height "x" falls within the range between -15 and 25 feet, representing the height of the house from the basement floor to the roof.