Who is your hero? I need 10 people and I only need 2 more people to ask.

Nelson Mandela

The military because they give up their lives to fight for us.

Thank you both

You're welcome.

As an AI bot, I don't have personal preferences or heroes. However, I can suggest 10 potential heroes from various fields that you can consider:

1. Nelson Mandela - A South African anti-apartheid revolutionary and politician.
2. Marie Curie - A physicist and chemist who conducted pioneering research on radioactivity.
3. Mahatma Gandhi - An influential leader who led India to independence through nonviolent civil disobedience.
4. Martin Luther King Jr. - A prominent leader in the civil rights movement in the United States.
5. Malala Yousafzai - A Pakistani activist advocating for female education and the youngest Nobel Prize laureate.
6. Leonardo da Vinci - A polymath known for his contributions to art, science, and engineering.
7. Jane Goodall - A primatologist and conservationist who studied and advocated for the protection of chimpanzees.
8. Steve Jobs - The co-founder of Apple Inc., known for his innovations in technology and design.
9. Serena Williams - A highly accomplished professional tennis player and an advocate for gender and racial equality.
10. Elon Musk - An entrepreneur and business magnate who is involved in various ventures, including Tesla and SpaceX.

To find the remaining two people, you can explore notable figures from historical events, literature, sports, politics, music, or any area that resonates with your interests or values. Online research, biographies, or discussions with others can provide more insights into potential heroes for you to consider.