How much clindamycin powder is in 3% Clindagel 30 g?

To determine how much clindamycin powder is present in 3% Clindagel 30 g, we need to understand how percentages and quantities relate to each other.

First, we need to convert the percentage to a decimal by dividing it by 100. In this case, 3% becomes 0.03. This means that 3% Clindagel contains 0.03 grams of clindamycin per gram of gel.

Next, we can calculate the amount of clindamycin powder in 30 grams of the gel by multiplying the weight of the gel by the percentage of clindamycin.

Amount of clindamycin powder = 30 g × 0.03

Calculating this gives us:

Amount of clindamycin powder = 0.9 grams

Therefore, there is approximately 0.9 grams of clindamycin powder in a 30 g tube of 3% Clindagel.