A 6.0-ft person weighs 177lb. express this person's height in meters and weight in kilograms.

To express the person's height in meters, we need to convert feet to meters.

1 foot is approximately equal to 0.3048 meters. Therefore, to convert 6.0 feet to meters, we can multiply by 0.3048:

Height in meters = 6.0 ft * 0.3048 m/ft

Height in meters = 1.8288 meters

Now, to express the person's weight in kilograms, we need to convert pounds to kilograms.

1 pound is approximately equal to 0.4536 kilograms. Therefore, to convert 177 pounds to kilograms, we can multiply by 0.4536:

Weight in kilograms = 177 lb * 0.4536 kg/lb

Weight in kilograms = 80.29 kilograms

So, the person's height is approximately 1.83 meters, and their weight is approximately 80.29 kilograms.

There are 453.6 g in 1 lb and 1000 g in 1 kg.

There are 12 inches in 1 foot
There are 2.54 cm in an inch.
There are 100 cm in a m.