Jerry King is a server in a restaurant that pays a salary of $22 per day. He also averages tips of 18% of his total gross food orders. Last week he worked 6 days and had total food orders of $2,766.50. What was his total gross pay for the week?

6*22 + .18 * 2766.50 = 629.97

To calculate Jerry King's total gross pay for the week, we need to consider his salary and tips.

First, let's calculate his tips:
1. Calculate the total tips based on the gross food orders: $2,766.50 x 18% = $498.57.

Next, let's calculate his gross pay:
2. Calculate the total salary for the week: $22 x 6 days = $132.

3. Add the total salary and tips together to find the total gross pay:
$132 + $498.57 = $630.57.

Therefore, Jerry King's total gross pay for the week is $630.57.