Find the indicated values. Please correct me if I'm wrong!

1. B is between A and C. AB=2x+1, BC=3x-4, and AC=62. Find the value of 'x' and determine if B is a bisector.

Is it a bisector? Yes

2. M is between L and N. LM=7x-1, MN=2x+4, and LN=12. Find the value of 'x' and determine if M is a bisector.

Is it a bisector? No, it's a midpoint

1. yes

2. x = 1 is correct
so LM = 6 and MN = 6
which makes M the bisector.
You are also right to call M the midpoint, but it asked if M is a bisector.
Isn't that basically the same thing? Since "bisect" means cutting into two equal parts.

To find the value of 'x' in each scenario, we can use the fact that in a line segment where B is between A and C, the sum of the lengths of AB and BC is equal to the length of AC.

1. Using this information, we can set up the equation:
AB + BC = AC
(2x + 1) + (3x - 4) = 62
5x - 3 = 62
5x = 65
x = 13

Thus, the value of 'x' is indeed 13.

To determine if B is a bisector, we need to check if the length of AB is equal to the length of BC. Let's substitute the value of 'x' into the given expressions:

AB = 2x + 1 = 2(13) + 1 = 27
BC = 3x - 4 = 3(13) - 4 = 35

As AB is not equal to BC (27 ≠ 35), B is not a bisector.

2. Similarly, let's set up the equation based on the given information:
LM + MN = LN
(7x - 1) + (2x + 4) = 12
9x + 3 = 12
9x = 9
x = 1

Hence, the value of 'x' is 1.

To determine if M is a bisector, we need to check if the length of LM is equal to the length of MN:

LM = 7x - 1 = 7(1) - 1 = 6
MN = 2x + 4 = 2(1) + 4 = 6

Since LM is equal to MN (6 = 6), M is a midpoint, not a bisector.