A car traveling 92 km/h is 130 m behind a truck traveling 75 km/h. How long will it take the car to reach the truck?

since the car is going 17 km/hr faster, and it is 0.130 km behind the truck, it will take

0.130/17 = 0.0076 hours

You may want to express that in seconds :-)


To find out how long it will take the car to reach the truck, we need to determine the time it takes for the car to cover the distance between them.

Let's first convert the speeds from km/h to m/s for consistency.

Speed of the car = 92 km/h
Speed of the truck = 75 km/h

To convert km/h to m/s, we divide by 3.6 since 1 km/h is equal to (1/3.6) m/s.

Speed of the car in m/s = 92 km/h ÷ 3.6 = 25.6 m/s
Speed of the truck in m/s = 75 km/h ÷ 3.6 = 20.8 m/s

Now we can calculate the time it takes for the car to reach the truck.

The relative speed of the car with respect to the truck is the difference between their speeds:

Relative Speed = Speed of the car - Speed of the truck = 25.6 m/s - 20.8 m/s = 4.8 m/s

Since the car is 130 m behind the truck, it needs to cover this distance at a relative speed of 4.8 m/s.

Time = Distance ÷ Relative Speed = 130 m ÷ 4.8 m/s ≈ 27.08 seconds

Therefore, it will take approximately 27.08 seconds for the car to reach the truck.