Combine like term, write answer in descending order.

4x^2 - 6x +9?

it is all done

Evaluate each polynomial for x=3 and for x = -3 Left this out sorry

Just sub in the values and do the arithmetic.

I will do the harder one
x = -3 ......
4(-3)^2 - 6(-3) + 9
= 36 + 18 + 9
= ....

To combine like terms and write the expression in descending order, follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the like terms. In the given expression, the like terms are the terms with the same variable raised to the same exponent. In this case, we have:
4x^2, -6x, and 9.

Step 2: Arrange the terms in descending order based on the exponents of x. Start with the term with the highest exponent and then proceed to the lower exponents.

In this case, we have:
4x^2 - 6x + 9.

Therefore, the expression with like terms combined and written in descending order is:
4x^2 - 6x + 9.