hich of the following philosophers argued that a moral agent must be detached and impartial in making moral decisions?

John Stuart Mill.
Immanuel Kant.
Charles Darwin.

The philosopher who argued that a moral agent must be detached and impartial in making moral decisions is Immanuel Kant. To arrive at this answer, we can break down the question and examine each option.

Option a: John Stuart Mill - Mill was a utilitarian philosopher who believed in maximizing happiness and minimizing pain. His ethical theory emphasizes the consequences of actions rather than impartiality.

Option b: Aristotle - Aristotle's ethical theory centers around the concept of virtue and character. Being detached and impartial is not a central tenet of his philosophy.

Option c: Immanuel Kant - Kant's ethical theory, known as deontological ethics, focuses on duty and moral obligation. According to Kant, moral decisions should be made based on principles that are universally applicable, regardless of personal desires or interests. This requires detachment and impartiality.

Option d: Charles Darwin - Although Darwin is a prominent figure in the field of biology and the theory of evolution, he did not develop a moral philosophy centered around detachment and impartiality.

Therefore, the correct answer is c. Immanuel Kant.