Paleo-Indians found an abundance of wildlife in Oklahoma to support their needs. Which of the following factors led to large populations of wildlife in Oklahoma during the time of the Paleo-Indians?

I know it isnt b, help?

What following??

Oh, Im sorry, i hit the ctrl z button..

A surplus in farming led to less hunting.
Paleo-Indians had trouble hunting megafauna.
The climate allowed grasslands and forests to develop.
The Ice Age brought colder winters and made hunting difficult.

Take that question apart:

Paleo-Indians found an abundance of wildlife in Oklahoma to support their needs. They were VERY successful in their hunting.

Which of the following factors led to large populations of wildlife in Oklahoma during the time of the Paleo-Indians? Which of those answers gives you a good reason for the abundance of wildlife for hunting?

To determine the factor that led to large populations of wildlife in Oklahoma during the time of the Paleo-Indians, we need to consider the other options. Without knowing the full list of options, it is difficult to provide a specific answer. However, I can provide some common factors that generally contribute to wildlife abundance:

1. Suitable Habitat: Wildlife populations thrive in areas with a diverse range of habitats, including forests, wetlands, grasslands, and water bodies. These habitats provide shelter, food, and breeding grounds for various species.

2. Availability of Food Sources: The availability of abundant plant and animal food sources supports a higher population of wildlife. A diverse range of vegetation, fruit-bearing trees, and ample prey animals can contribute to the growth of wildlife populations.

3. Lack of Natural Predators: A lower presence of natural predators can lead to an increase in wildlife populations. If a region lacks significant predatory species or has a balance between predators and prey, it can contribute to wildlife abundance.

4. Climate and Geography: Favorable climatic conditions and unique geographical features can provide suitable environments for wildlife to flourish. Adequate rainfall, moderate temperatures, and diverse topography can support a wide range of species.

5. Limited Human Impact: Before significant human settlement and extensive hunting or habitat destruction, wildlife populations often thrived. Paleo-Indians were hunter-gatherers who practiced sustainable hunting and harvesting methods, which may have contributed to abundant wildlife.

Considering these factors, you can compare the remaining options given in the question to determine which one aligns with the factors that led to large populations of wildlife in Oklahoma during the time of the Paleo-Indians.