Show that "¬p Λ q is logically equivalent to p → ¬q" . I'm not sure if the conditional identity is correct, but what I did was I negated the whole second condition and it immediately became equal to the first? Please help and if possible, show steps or what laws I have to use. Thank you.

With simple expressions like these, the easiest proof is to make a truth table...unless it is specifically prohibited in the question.

Also, there are precedence in the logical operators, just like + - * ÷.

The ¬ operator (which I write as ~ for simplicity) has the highest priority, in this order.

Operator Precedence
¬ 1
∧ 2
∨ 3
→ 4
↔ 5

There the first expression is interpreted as (~p)∧q which is not an identity to p->~q.

However, writing the first expression as ~(p∧q) will give a truth table of
identical to that of
hence the identity
~(p∧q) ≡ p->~q

@MathMate Thank you so much! No wonder I was going nowhere even when I did the truth table, I had a mistake in translating the proposition. Thanks again.

You're welcome! :)

To show that "¬p Λ q" is logically equivalent to "p → ¬q", we can use a truth table or apply logical laws.

1. First, let's break down both propositions:

¬p Λ q: This is the conjunction (and) of the negation of p and q.
p → ¬q: This is the conditional statement (if-then) where p implies the negation of q.

2. Now, let's construct the truth table for both propositions:

p | q | ¬p | ¬q | ¬p Λ q | p → ¬q |
T | T | F | F | F | T |
T | F | F | T | F | T |
F | T | T | F | F | T |
F | F | T | T | T | T |

3. By comparing the truth values of ¬p Λ q and p → ¬q in the truth table, we can see that they have the same values for all possible combinations of truth values for p and q. Therefore, ¬p Λ q and p → ¬q are logically equivalent.

Alternatively, we can demonstrate the logical equivalence by applying logical laws. Here are the steps:

1. Start with the proposition ¬p Λ q.

2. Distribute the negation over p: (¬p) Λ q.

3. Use De Morgan's Law to move the negation inside the conjunction: ¬(p → ¬q).

4. Use the definition of the conditional statement to rewrite ¬(p → ¬q) as p → ¬q.

Thus, we have shown that ¬p Λ q is logically equivalent to p → ¬q using truth tables and logical laws.