How many calories are in a food that contains

.100 grams of CHO
. 20 grams of protein
. 20 grams of fat

What percentage of the total calories comes from:

All information that follows is based on FOOD calories (which really are kilocalories).

CH2O contains 4 cal/gram
protein contains 4 cal/gram
fat contains 9 cal/gram
so (100*4)+(20*4)+(20*9) = ?

%CH2O = [(100*4)/total]*100 = ?
same format for protein and fat.

To determine the number of calories in a food based on its macronutrient content, you need to know the calorie values per gram for each macronutrient. Here's how you can calculate the calories for each component:

1. Carbohydrates (CHO):
Carbohydrates provide 4 calories per gram. Therefore, to calculate the calories from carbohydrates, multiply the weight of carbohydrates (in grams) by 4:
Calories from CHO = 100 grams CHO × 4 calories/gram CHO = 400 calories

2. Protein:
Protein also provides 4 calories per gram. Multiply the weight of protein (in grams) by 4:
Calories from protein = 20 grams protein × 4 calories/gram protein = 80 calories

3. Fat:
Fat, on the other hand, provides 9 calories per gram. Multiply the weight of fat (in grams) by 9:
Calories from fat = 20 grams fat × 9 calories/gram fat = 180 calories

Now, to calculate the percentage of total calories coming from each macronutrient:

1. Carbohydrates (CHO):
Percentage of calories from CHO = (Calories from CHO / Total calories) × 100
= (400 calories / (400 + 80 + 180) calories) × 100
= 400 / 660 × 100
= 60.61%

2. Protein:
Percentage of calories from protein = (Calories from protein / Total calories) × 100
= (80 calories / (400 + 80 + 180) calories) × 100
= 80 / 660 × 100
= 12.12%

3. Fat:
Percentage of calories from fat = (Calories from fat / Total calories) × 100
= (180 calories / (400 + 80 + 180) calories) × 100
= 180 / 660 × 100
= 27.27%

Therefore, the breakdown of calories from each macronutrient is approximately:
- 60.61% from carbohydrates
- 12.12% from protein
- 27.27% from fat.