Last week at a festival, a man sold 5 times as many tie-dyed T-shirts as silk-screened shirts. He sold 210 shirts altogether. How many tie-dyed shirts did he sell?

Let x = silk-screened shirts.

x + 5x = 210

Solve for x. Multiply by 5.

Let's solve this step by step:

Step 1: Let's begin by assuming the number of silk-screened shirts sold is x.

Step 2: We're given that the man sold 5 times as many tie-dyed T-shirts as silk-screened shirts. Therefore, the number of tie-dyed shirts sold is 5x.

Step 3: We know that the total number of shirts sold is 210. Therefore, we can write the equation: x + 5x = 210.

Step 4: Combining like terms, we get 6x = 210.

Step 5: To solve for x, we divide both sides of the equation by 6: x = 210/6.

Step 6: Simplifying, we find that x = 35.

Step 7: Now, substitute the value of x back into the equation for tie-dyed shirts: 5x = 5 * 35.

Step 8: Calculating, we find that the man sold 175 tie-dyed shirts.

Therefore, the man sold 175 tie-dyed shirts.

To find out how many tie-dyed shirts the man sold, let's set up an equation using the information given in the question.

Let's assume that the number of silk-screened shirts the man sold is 'x'. We are also told that he sold 5 times as many tie-dyed shirts as silk-screened shirts. Therefore, the number of tie-dyed shirts he sold can be represented as '5x'.

According to the question, the total number of shirts sold, combining the tie-dyed and silk-screened shirts, is 210. We can write this as:

x + 5x = 210

To solve this equation, combine like terms:

6x = 210

Next, isolate 'x' by dividing both sides of the equation by 6:

x = 210 / 6

By dividing 210 by 6, we find that x is equal to 35.

Now that we have the value of 'x', we can find the number of tie-dyed shirts he sold by multiplying it by 5:

5x = 5 * 35

5x = 175

Therefore, the man sold 175 tie-dyed shirts at the festival.