Denotative and Connotative

A. Synonyms
B. Antonyms
C. Neither

I think A?


What are the definitions of these two words?

Ok. Its B


To determine whether "denotative" and "connotative" are synonyms, antonyms, or neither, we need to understand the meanings of these terms.

1. Denotative: Denotative meaning refers to the explicit or literal definition of a word. It is the dictionary definition or the objective meaning of a word.

2. Connotative: Connotative meaning refers to the subjective or associated meaning of a word. It includes the emotions, feelings, or cultural associations that a word may evoke.

Now, let's consider the options:

A. Synonyms: Synonyms are words that have similar meanings. Denotative and connotative are not synonyms because they have distinct meanings and refer to different aspects of word meaning.

B. Antonyms: Antonyms are words that have opposite meanings. Denotative and connotative are not antonyms because they do not have opposite meanings.

C. Neither: Denotative and connotative do not fall under the category of synonyms or antonyms. They are contrasting concepts that encompass different aspects of word meaning, so they are neither synonyms nor antonyms.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. Neither.