1 Angstrom = how many Coulombs?

To determine the conversion factor between angstroms (Å) and coulombs (C), we need to understand that angstrom is a unit of length, while coulomb is a unit of electric charge. These units cannot be directly converted as they measure different quantities.

However, if we assume that each atom or particle carries a charge of one electron (1 e⁻), we can establish a relationship between angstroms and coulombs. The charge of one electron is approximately 1.602 x 10⁻¹⁹ coulombs (C).

So, the conversion factor can be given as:

1 Å = (1.602 x 10⁻¹⁹ C).

Keep in mind that this conversion assumes that each atom or particle carries a charge equal to one electron. In reality, the charges of atoms or particles can vary, so this conversion factor may not always be accurate.