the number of block has 9 in the ones place. the number in the hundreds place is one more than the number in the tens place, those two numbers equal 11. how many blocks are there,

6 is one more than 5, and they sum to 11.




The number of blocks has 9 in the ones olace. The number in the hundreds place is one more than the number in the tens place.those 2 number's equal 11. How many blocks are there?

number in the hundreds place is one more than the number in the tens place. Those two numbers equal 11 How many blocks are there?

the number of block has 9 in the ones place. the number in the hundreds place is one more than the number in the tens place, those two numbers equal 11. how many blocks are there,


To solve this problem, we need to represent the given information as equations. Let's assign variables to each unknown value.

Let's say the number in the ones place is x.
The number in the tens place will be (x - 1) since it is one less than the hundreds place.
The number in the hundreds place will be ((x - 1) + 1), which simplifies to x.

Now we can set up equations based on the given information:
Equation 1: x (in the ones place) = 9
Equation 2: (x - 1) + x = 11

To solve this, we need to substitute the value of x from Equation 1 into Equation 2 and solve for x.

Substituting x = 9 into Equation 2:
(9 - 1) + 9 = 11
8 + 9 = 11
17 = 11

This is not a valid solution since 17 does not equal 11. Therefore, there is no solution based on the given information.

Please double-check the problem statement to ensure its accuracy.