4 notebooks for $7.00 how much for 5 notebooks

(7/4) * 5 = 35/4


To calculate the cost of 5 notebooks, we need to determine the price per notebook based on the given information.

Given that 4 notebooks cost $7.00, we can find the price per notebook by dividing the total cost by the number of notebooks:

Price per notebook = Total cost / Number of notebooks
= $7.00 / 4
= $1.75

Now that we know the price per notebook is $1.75, we can calculate the cost of 5 notebooks by multiplying the price per notebook by the number of notebooks:

Cost of 5 notebooks = Price per notebook * Number of notebooks
= $1.75 * 5
= $8.75

Therefore, the cost of 5 notebooks is $8.75.