In the book Ordinary People by Judith Guest, what are her biases? How can one determine an authors bias if it is a fiction book?

Look at the characters that you like in the story. It's probably because the author is also biased toward them. Who do you like better? Conrad or his parents? Why?

This site may help you.

Determining an author's bias in a fiction book can be a somewhat subjective task as it involves interpreting clues and analyzing the author's portrayal of characters, themes, and events. In the case of Judith Guest's Ordinary People, understanding the author's biases may require considering various elements of the story. Here's how you can go about it:

1. Analyze character portrayal: Pay attention to how the author portrays different characters. Look for any patterns or biases in the way they are depicted. For example, are certain characters consistently presented in a positive or negative light compared to others?

2. Examine themes and messages: Look at the overarching themes and messages the author conveys in the book. Consider whether these themes align with any particular ideological or moral stance. Biases can be reflected in the way certain themes are explored or emphasized.

3. Consider the perspective and narrative voice: Reflect on the perspective from which the story is told and the narrator's voice. The narrator may provide insights or express opinions that reflect the author's biases or worldview.

4. Study the author's background: Familiarize yourself with the author's own life experiences, beliefs, and any public statements they have made. While this may not directly reveal biases, it can offer context and potential insights into the author's perspective.

5. Read critical analyses or reviews: Consult scholarly or critical reviews of the book. Scholars and critics often analyze an author's biases, societal influences, and thematic choices. These analyses can provide valuable perspectives and enhance your understanding.

It's important to note that biases may not always be intentional or explicit; they can be subtle or inadvertent. Therefore, keeping an open mind and considering multiple interpretations is crucial when determining an author's bias in a fiction book.