Three grandsons of the Emperor Charlemagne Became ruler of territories that would include all of the following modern day states except

A England
B Italy
C Germany
D France
please help im in urgent need f an answer


To determine which modern-day state was not ruled by one of the grandsons of Emperor Charlemagne, we need to understand the historical context. Charlemagne, or Charles the Great, was the King of the Franks and the Lombards, and he eventually became the Emperor of the Carolingian Empire. After his death in 814, his empire was divided among his three grandsons in the Treaty of Verdun in 843.

The three grandsons were:
1. Charles the Bald, who received West Francia, which later evolved into the Kingdom of France.
2. Louis the German, who received East Francia, which eventually became the Holy Roman Empire and later modern-day Germany.
3. Lothair I, who received Middle Francia, an area that included parts of modern-day France, Italy, Germany, and other neighboring regions.

Now, let's analyze the given options:

A) England: England is not included in the territories ruled by any of Charlemagne's grandsons. It was not part of the Carolingian Empire.

B) Italy: Italy is included in the territories ruled by one of Charlemagne's grandsons. Lothair I, the grandson who received Middle Francia, ruled over parts of Italy.

C) Germany: Germany is included in the territories ruled by one of Charlemagne's grandsons. Louis the German, who received East Francia, eventually became the ruler of what is now modern-day Germany.

D) France: France is included in the territories ruled by one of Charlemagne's grandsons. Charles the Bald, who received West Francia, became the ruler of what is now modern-day France.

Therefore, the answer is A) England, as it was not ruled by one of the grandsons of Emperor Charlemagne.