I put a * next to my answers.

1. The Jamestown settlers saved their colony by planting (1 point)
a. maize.
b. cotton.
*c. tobacco.
d. wheat.
2. “Our capital town is advanced to about 150 very tolerable (satisfactory) houses for wooden ones; they
are chiefly on both the navigable rivers that bound the ends or sides of the town. The farmers have got their
winter corn in the ground. I suppose we may be 500 farmers strong. I settle them in villages, dividing 5,000
acres among ten, fifteen, or twenty families, as their ability is to plant it…”
This passage from a letter William Penn wrote in 1683 describes his colony as (1 point)
*a. growing and orderly.
b. struggling and desperate.
c. threatened and disorganized.
d. unstable with failing farms.
3. Why was Virginia’s African American population so much larger than those of the other colonies?
(1 point)
a. Virginia was settled before the other colonies.
*b. Virginia’s agricultural system depended on slave labor.
c. Virginia had the climate that most closely matched Africa’s.
d. Virginia was the most politically progressive colony.
4. Quebec became the first permanent European settlement in Canada after (1 point)
a.gold was found.
b. the Iroquois Indians gave up their land for the settlement.
c. a fortified trading post was built there for protection.
*d. a Northwest Passage was found there.
5. The Powhatan Indians who lived near the Jamestown colony (1 point)
a. went to war with the colonists.
b. were united by a powerful leader, Chief Powhatan.
*c. traded with the colonists for metal weapons.
d. all of the above
6. Bacon’s Rebellion in Virginia was a result of (1 point)
a. Governor Berkeley’s preferable treatment ofsome farmers.
b. Governor Berkeley’s taxes on the wealthy.
c. Governor Berkeley’s lack ofsupport to the colonists against the Native Americans.
*d. none of the above
7. Which of the following is a characteristic of the House of Burgesses? (1 point)
a. The members were appointed by England.
b. Women could vote for members.
c. Indentured servants could vote for members.
*d. It had the power to raise money through taxes.
Which best describes the town meeting of the Massachusetts Bay Colony?
(1 point)
a. It was a social gathering.
b. Officers were elected by consensus.
*c. Power in the meeting was shared among males and females.
d. Only political and religious issues were discussed there.
9. Which group maintained the friendliest relations with the Native Americans? (1 point)
*a. the English
b. the French
c. the Dutch
d. the Spanish
10. The _____________ came to America for religious freedom but refused to grant the same freedom to
people of other faiths. (1 point)
a. Quakers
*b. Puritans
c. Anglicans
d. Catholics
11. The _____________________ was a result of second and third generation Puritans of the
Massachusetts Bay Colony following church doctrine less strictly. (1 point)
a. the Half-Way Doctrine
*b. the Massachusetts Bay Charter
c. Mayflower Compact
d. praying town
12. All of the following are true about the Salem Witch Trials except (1 point)
about 100,000 individuals were accused of witchcraft beginning in the late 1600s.
*a. most of the accused were women.
b. many of the accused lived non-traditional lives.
c. the trials have been proven by historians to be legitimate.
13. Which of the following is a true statement about the Massachusetts Bay Colony? (1 point)
a. Its original charter was taken away and it became a royal colony.
b. It was a smaller colony than the Plymouth Colony.
c. Its governors were appointed by England when it was under the control of the
Massachusetts Bay Company.
*d. When it was first settled, its citizens had much less political power than the Jamestown
14. The English conquest over the Dutch in New Netherland was significant because they gained (1 point)
a stronghold over the Chesapeake Bay.
control over the majority of the Atlantic coast.
a. control over the MississippiRiver.
b. Fort Quebec.
15. Which of the following best describes the Middle Passage? (1 point)
More than 10 million slaves from Africa made the voyage across the Atlantic on this route.
Few slaves died during the journey.
The journey took from 2–3 weeks.
none of the above
16. Which of the following describes the development of African American culture during the time of colonial
slavery? (1 point)
The culture was a blend of African traditions.
Most adopted the Christian religion, sometimes blending it with African religion.
African musical instruments were modified to create a new form of music in America.
all of the above

I meant to label this as History! My bad guys.

4, 5, and 6 are wrong. 1, 2, and 3 are right.

I'll check the rest a little later.

4. C

5. B
6. C

Is that right? Someone help please. I'm super behind on my homework!

4, 5, and 6 are now right.

8, 13 I don't know.

9, 12 are wrong.

14 - 16?

To answer these questions, you can refer to your textbook, class notes, or other reliable resources on American colonial history. Here are the correct answers:

1. The Jamestown settlers saved their colony by planting:
- Answer: c. tobacco.
Explanation: Jamestown settlers found success and economic stability through the cultivation and exportation of tobacco.

2. The passage from a letter William Penn wrote in 1683 describes his colony as:
- Answer: a. growing and orderly.
Explanation: The passage describes the growth and development of Penn's colony with the mention of tolerable houses, farmers planting corn, and settlement in villages.

3. Virginia's African American population was larger than other colonies because:
- Answer: b. Virginia's agricultural system depended on slave labor.
Explanation: Virginia relied heavily on slave labor for its tobacco plantations, which resulted in a larger African American population compared to other colonies.

4. Quebec became the first permanent European settlement in Canada after:
- Answer: c. a fortified trading post was built there for protection.
Explanation: Quebec became a permanent European settlement when a fortified trading post was built there to establish and maintain control over the region.

5. The Powhatan Indians who lived near the Jamestown colony:
- Answer: c. traded with the colonists for metal weapons.
Explanation: The Powhatan Indians traded with the Jamestown colonists, including trading for metal weapons.

6. Bacon's Rebellion in Virginia was a result of:
- Answer: d. none of the above.
Explanation: Bacon's Rebellion was a result of a variety of socio-economic and political factors, including grievances against Governor Berkeley's administration.

7. A characteristic of the House of Burgesses is:
- Answer: d. It had the power to raise money through taxes.
Explanation: The House of Burgesses had the authority to raise money through taxes and was the first representative assembly in the American colonies.

8. The town meeting of the Massachusetts Bay Colony:
- Answer: b. Officers were elected by consensus.
Explanation: In the town meetings of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, officers were elected by consensus rather than an appointed system.

9. The group that maintained the friendliest relations with Native Americans:
- Answer: a. the English.
Explanation: The English colonists generally had more friendly relations with Native Americans compared to other European powers.

10. The group that came to America for religious freedom but refused to grant the same freedom to people of other faiths:
- Answer: b. Puritans.
Explanation: The Puritans sought religious freedom but did not grant the same freedom to those who held different religious beliefs.

11. The result of second and third generation Puritans following church doctrine less strictly:
- Answer: a. the Half-Way Doctrine.
Explanation: The Half-Way Doctrine emerged as a result of second and third generation Puritans being less strict in following church doctrine.

12. All of the following are true about the Salem Witch Trials except:
- Answer: about 100,000 individuals were accused of witchcraft beginning in the late 1600s.
Explanation: The number of accused individuals in the Salem Witch Trials was significantly smaller than 100,000.

13. The true statement about the Massachusetts Bay Colony:
- Answer: c. Its governors were appointed by England when it was under the control of the Massachusetts Bay Company.
Explanation: The governors of the Massachusetts Bay Colony were initially appointed by the Massachusetts Bay Company before it became a royal colony.

14. The English conquest over the Dutch in New Netherland was significant because they gained:
- Answer: control over the majority of the Atlantic coast.
Explanation: The English conquest of New Netherland resulted in English control over a significant portion of the Atlantic coast.

15. The Middle Passage is best described as:
- Answer: None of the above.
Explanation: The Middle Passage was a brutal and inhumane voyage across the Atlantic for enslaved Africans. It took several months, and many slaves died during the journey.

16. The development of African American culture during colonial slavery included:
- Answer: All of the above.
Explanation: African American culture during colonial slavery was a blend of African traditions, adoption of Christianity, and the modification of African musical instruments to create new forms of music in America.