2/5 of the total questions on a test have the answer Choice of C. If 50 questions have the answer C, how many total questions are there?

I've tried 20/50
2/5 times 50/1

Let's use the decimal equivalent -- it's much simpler.

0.4x = 50

x = 125 questions

To find the total number of questions on the test, we can use the given information. We know that 2/5 of the total questions have the answer choice C, and we are also given that 50 questions have the answer C.

Let's set up a proportion to find the total number of questions:
2/5 = 50/x, where x is the total number of questions.

To solve this proportion, we can cross multiply:
2 * x = 5 * 50

Simplifying the right side of the equation:
2 * x = 250

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 2 to solve for x:
x = 250/2
x = 125

Therefore, the total number of questions on the test is 125.