Identify the word that best describes the bolded word.

1. NO ONE believed the woman when she said that she was at the crime scene that night.

A.) Noun
B.) Pronoun******
C.) Verb
D.) Adverb

The president HERSELF had to intervene to settle the dispute.

A.) reflexive pronoun
B.) intensive pronoun***********
C.) compound noun
D.) collective noun

Thank You.

Both are correct.

Thank you very much.

You're welcome.

To identify the word that best describes the bolded word in each sentence, we need to understand the different parts of speech and their functions.

In the first sentence, the bolded word is "NO ONE." To determine its appropriate description, we can break it down further. "NO" is an adverb that negates or negates the noun following it. "ONE" can be classified as a pronoun since it replaces or refers to a noun.

Therefore, the correct answer is B.) Pronoun.

In the second sentence, the bolded word is "HERSELF." To determine the appropriate description, we need to consider its function. "HERSELF" refers back to the subject (the president) and emphasizes that she was personally involved. This usage indicates an intensive pronoun.

Therefore, the correct answer is B.) intensive pronoun.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any more questions.