which property is represented by 5+(8)=8+5?

Is the answer C

Answers Are

1. B
2. D
3. C
4. B
5. C
Trust me 100% correct it you are on Unit 2 Integers and algebraic Expressions. Lesson 5 Properties of Numbers.
Good Luck ;)

Wonder woman is correct

They gave it to you, its C.

btw if you need answers to the algebra quiz, you can just look at each question and type it in here.

(8 * 5) - (8 * 3)= 8(5 * 3)

Answer Please


Whats the dang anwser

Which property is represented by 5 + (–8) = –8 + 5?

A. Identity
B. Associative
C. Commutative
D. Distributive

6 * - 2 = - 2 * 6

Answer please

Wonder woman is 100% right <3

wonder women is 1,000/10% right good job wonder women I think you are right