Rachel is 2 times as tall as Kendall. Rich is 3 inches taller than Rachel. Brian is 74 inches tall

and 1 inch shorter than Rich. How tall is Kendall?

Ra = Rachel's tall

Ke = Kendall's tall

Ri = Rich's tall

Br = Brian's tall

Ra = 2 Ke

Ri = Ra + 3

Br = 74 = Ri - 1

74 = Ri - 1 Add 1 to both sides

74 + 1 = Ri - 1 + 1

75 = Ri

Ri = 75 in

Ri = Ra + 3

75 = Ra + 3 Subtract 3 to both sides

75 - 3 = Ra + 3 - 3

72 = Ra

Ra = 72 in

Ra = 2 Ka

72 = 2 Ka Divide both sides by 3

36 = Ka

Ka = 36 in

72 = 2 Ka Divide both sides by 2

Kendall: X in. tall.

Rachel: 2x in. tall.
Rich: (2x+3) in tall.
Brian: (2x+3)-1 = 74 in. tall.

(2x+3)-1 = 74
2x + 2 = 74
2x = 72
X = 36 in. = Kendall's ht.

To find out how tall Kendall is, we need to work backwards from the given information.

We know that Brian is 1 inch shorter than Rich, who is 3 inches taller than Rachel. So, Brian's height is Rich's height minus 1 inch.

Let's calculate Rich's height:

Rich = Brian + 1 inch

Rich = 74 inches + 1 inch = 75 inches

Rachel's height is 3 inches shorter than Rich. So:

Rachel = Rich - 3 inches

Rachel = 75 inches - 3 inches = 72 inches

Given that Rachel is 2 times as tall as Kendall, we can say:

Rachel = 2 * Kendall

Substituting the value of Rachel:

72 inches = 2 * Kendall

Dividing both sides by 2 to solve for Kendall:

Kendall = 72 inches / 2

Kendall = 36 inches

Therefore, Kendall is 36 inches tall.