It takes you 3 hours to mow a lawn & it takes your sister 2 hours to mow the same lawn. How long does it take the two of you to mow 12 lawns if you work together? Whats the answer? Helpppp

Can someone help me. Thankyou.

You'll find many explanations about solving this type of problem in the Related Questions below.

I don't get how to finish solving with the 12 lawns? I get its 6/5. hrs.

Maybe Michael knows.

I'm still confused. I don't get it. Sorry Farah.

T1*T2/(T1+T2) = 3*2/(3+2) = 1.2 h/Lawn.

T = 1.2h/Lawn * 12Lawns = 14.4 Hours

Note: 1.2h = 6/5 h = Time to do 1 Lawn.

To find out how long it would take both you and your sister to mow 12 lawns together, we need to calculate the combined mowing rate per hour for both of you.

First, let's determine your individual mowing rates. If it takes you 3 hours to mow one lawn, then you can mow 1/3 of a lawn in one hour (1 lawn divided by 3 hours).

Similarly, if your sister takes 2 hours to mow one lawn, her mowing rate is 1/2 of a lawn per hour (1 lawn divided by 2 hours).

To find the combined mowing rate when you work together, add both of your individual mowing rates:

1/3 + 1/2 = 2/6 + 3/6 = 5/6 of a lawn per hour.

Since the combined mowing rate is 5/6 of a lawn per hour, you can mow 12 lawns by dividing the total number of lawns (12) by the combined mowing rate.

12 lawns / (5/6 lawns per hour) = (12/1) / (5/6) = 72/5 = 14.4 hours.

So, it would take both you and your sister approximately 14.4 hours to mow 12 lawns if you work together.