Which sentence contains a restrictive relative clause?

A restrictive relative clause is a type of clause that provides essential information to define or identify the noun it refers to. It is also known as a defining or essential relative clause. To identify a sentence containing a restrictive relative clause, we need to look for a clause that cannot be removed from the sentence without changing its meaning or making it unclear.

Here are a few examples of sentences that contain a restrictive relative clause:

1. "The book that I borrowed from the library yesterday is due tomorrow."
In this sentence, the restrictive relative clause is "that I borrowed from the library yesterday." It is essential to specify which book is being referred to, as there may be multiple books.

2. "The girl who won the competition received a trophy."
The restrictive relative clause in this sentence is "who won the competition." It provides necessary information to identify which girl is being talked about, as there may be several girls.

3. "The car that is parked in front of the house belongs to my neighbor."
Here, the restrictive relative clause is "that is parked in front of the house." It is crucial to indicate which car is being referred to, especially if there are other cars nearby.

In each of these examples, removing the restrictive relative clause would make the sentence incomplete or vague, highlighting its essential role in defining or identifying the noun it modifies.