Please help me with the following questions:

1. John Dalton said that the total pressure (Pt) exerted by a mixture of gases in a container is equal to the sum of the individual pressures of each gas present (if each gas was the only one present in the container). Further experimentation has widely supported Dalton’s work on partial pressures.

Rafael’s classmates are arguing about how best to identify Dalton’s contribution. Evaluate their arguments and determine which is the most accurate.

A. Rosario says Dalton made observations of partial pressures since he just observed and recorded the pressure of gases.

B. Amit says Dalton formulated a hypothesis of partial pressures since his observations led to later experimentation.

C. Raj says Dalton formulated a theory of partial pressures since he explained exactly how to determine the pressure of gases.

D. Cora says Dalton formulated the law of partial pressures since he stated that the total pressure of a mixture of gases is the sum of the individual pressures.

For 1, the answer isn't B or C (I got both of them wrong.), but now I think the answer is D. Is this correct?

3. Which helps identify the theory of plate tectonics as a theory?

A. Scientists have been working on it since 1596.

B. It explains how tectonic plates move around Earth’s surface.

C. It states how tectonic plates obey the law of gravity.

D. Scientists who formulated it used many observations.

For 3, the answer isn't A or D(I got both of them wrong.), but now I think it is B. Is this correct?

5. The theory of evolution states that populations change through natural selection. Natural selection causes species to change in small ways over the course of many generations. These small changes can eventually lead to entirely new species.

If a scientist discovered a sequence of DNA that links whales to their land-dwelling ancestors, which explains the likely effect of this discovery on the theory of evolution?

A. The new discovery will cause the theory to be dismissed since it contradicts it.

B. The new discovery will cause the theory to be modified since it adds to current knowledge.

C. The new discovery will further support the theory since it presents evidence that reinforces it.

D. The new discovery will further deny the theory since it presents evidence that opposes it.

For 5, the answer is not B (I got this one wrong), but is C. Is this correct?

Please help me by checking my answers. Any help will be greatly appreciated! :)

For 1 I would have picked B but if B is wrong go with D

3. B yes

5. C yes, it is an example of the theory in action

Thank you Damon, your help has helped me a lot!! :)

I will try D next time because B was wrong when I tried it the other day.

For question 1, the most accurate answer is option D. Cora is correct in stating that Dalton formulated the law of partial pressures, which states that the total pressure of a mixture of gases is the sum of the individual pressures. This answer aligns with Dalton's contribution.

For question 3, the most accurate answer is indeed option B. The theory of plate tectonics explains how tectonic plates move around Earth's surface. This characteristic of explaining the movement of tectonic plates is what helps identify it as a theory.

For question 5, the correct answer is indeed option C. The new discovery of a DNA sequence linking whales to their land-dwelling ancestors would further support the theory of evolution. It presents evidence that reinforces the idea of species changing over time through natural selection.

So, overall, you were correct with your answers for questions 1, 3, and 5. Well done!