In the fable The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs, I know it teaches us that greed can lose us all we have, though it also teaches us that-

a. All that glitters may not necessarily be gold.
b. It is foolish to harm something or someone that benefits you.
c. People need to learn to support themselves and not rely on others.

I think its C, since greed is bad and you need to work to gain something you want. Or is it???

I vote for b.

Thank you Ms. Sue!

You're welcome, Fables.

I think it is b as well.

You've brought up an interesting point, but to determine which lesson the fable teaches, we need to analyze the story of "The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs" and its message more closely.

The fable tells the story of a farmer who discovers that his goose lays golden eggs. Initially, he is extremely delighted with the wealth that the goose brings him each day. However, his greed takes over, and he becomes impatient, desiring to possess all the gold at once. In his haste, he foolishly decides to kill the goose, hoping to extract all the gold from its insides. To his dismay, he finds nothing of value inside, and he loses the goose that once provided him with a continuous stream of wealth.

The explicit lesson of the fable is indeed that greed can lead to the loss of what we possess. By killing the goose, the farmer not only loses his future golden eggs but also the source of his income.

Regarding the options you provided:

a. "All that glitters may not necessarily be gold" is a popular saying, but it isn't a direct lesson from this fable. However, it does align with the idea that the farmer was deceived by the appearances of the golden eggs, leading him to make foolish decisions.

b. "It is foolish to harm something or someone that benefits you" is a possible interpretation, as the farmer's actions can be seen as cutting off his own benefit by harming the goose. However, the main focus of the fable is the consequence of greed rather than the foolishness of harming something beneficial.

c. "People need to learn to support themselves and not rely on others" is not a direct lesson from this fable. While it is essential to work for what we want, the story mainly emphasizes the negative consequences of greed rather than self-reliance.

In conclusion, the fable "The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs" primarily teaches us that greed can cause us to lose what we have. It warns against being consumed by our desires and making hasty decisions that can lead to our downfall.