why are 10.6 the same as 10.60?

Because you have added 0 hudredths. Adding 0 of anything leaves the result unchanged.

10.6 = 10.60 = 10.6000000000000000000

The numbers 10.6 and 10.60 are considered the same because they represent the same value. In this case, the decimal point is used to indicate the place value of the digits after it. When a decimal has a zero at the end, it does not change the value of the number. Therefore, both 10.6 and 10.60 represent the number 10.6.

The numbers 10.6 and 10.60 are considered the same because they represent the same value in the decimal number system. In decimal numbers, the digits to the right of the decimal point represent fractions or parts of a whole.

To understand why 10.6 and 10.60 are equivalent, we can break them down. The number 10 is a whole number, and when we add a decimal point, it becomes a decimal number.

After the decimal point, the digit 6 in 10.6 represents 6 tenths (or 6/10 of a whole), while the digit 0 in 10.60 represents 0 hundredths (or 0/100 of a whole). Since there is no difference in value between 6 tenths and 0 hundredths, both representations are the same.

In general, when we have trailing zeros after the decimal point, they do not change the value of the number. They only indicate the level of precision or the number of decimal places.