use the number 913,256

write the name of the period that has the digits 913


You are welcome :)

nine hundred thirteen thousand

Write the name of the period

of the half digits 913

To find the name of the period that has the digits 913 in the number 913,256, we need to understand place values in a number.

The place values in a number are determined by powers of 10. Starting from the right, the first digit is in the "ones" place, the second digit is in the "tens" place, the third digit is in the "hundreds" place, and so on.

For the number 913,256, if we label each digit with its corresponding place value, it would look like this:

9 1 3 , 2 5 6
100,000 | 10,000 | 1,000 | , | 100 | 10 | 1

Now we can identify the period that contains the digits 913. The period is the thousands period, which includes the digits in the thousands, hundreds, and tens places (9, 1, and 3).

Therefore, the name of the period that has the digits 913 in the number 913,256 is the "thousands" period.

100,000 to 999,999

is one hundred thousand
to nine hundred and ninety nine thousand nine hundred and ninety nine.

Nine hundred Thirteen Thousand