Assume the input to be the charge for the food, draw a flowchart that will compute the total amount of a meal purchased at a restaurant. The output should be the charge for the food, the amount of a 15 percent tip, the amount of the 7 percent sales tax (on the charge for the food), and the total.

Draw a flowchart and write pseudocode to represent the logic of a program that allows the user to enter values for a salesperson’s base salary, total sales, and commission rate. The program computes and outputs the salesperson’s pay by adding the base salary to the product of the total sales and commission rate.

To compute the total amount of a meal purchased at a restaurant, including the charge for the food, the tip, the sales tax, and the total amount, you can create a flowchart with the following steps:

Step 1: Start

Step 2: Input the charge for the food

Step 3: Calculate the amount of the tip (15% of the charge for the food)
- Multiply the charge for the food by 0.15 to obtain the tip amount

Step 4: Calculate the amount of the sales tax (7% of the charge for the food)
- Multiply the charge for the food by 0.07 to obtain the sales tax amount

Step 5: Calculate the total amount
- Add the charge for the food, amount of tip, and amount of sales tax

Step 6: Output the charge for the food, amount of tip, amount of sales tax, and the total amount

Step 7: Stop

Here's the visual representation of the flowchart:

| Start |
| Input charge |
| for food |
| Calculate tip |
| Calculate sales |
| tax |
| Calculate total |
| Output charge, |
| tip, tax, total |
| Stop |

By following this flowchart, you can compute the total amount of a meal purchased at a restaurant.