Fifty numbers are rounded off to the nearest integer and then summed.

If the individual round off errors are uniformly distributed between
-0.5 and 0.5 , what is the approximate probability that the resultant sum
differs from the exact sum by 3.

To solve this problem, we need to use the concept of probability distribution. Let's consider the random variable X, which represents the individual round-off error for each number. According to the given information, X is uniformly distributed between -0.5 and 0.5.

Now, let's define another random variable S, which represents the sum of the rounded numbers. We are interested in finding the probability that S differs from the exact sum by 3.

To calculate this probability, we can use the concept of convolution. The probability distribution of the sum S can be obtained by convolving the individual round-off error distribution of X with itself 50 times.

Here's the step-by-step procedure to calculate the approximate probability:

1. Determine the probability distribution of X:
Since X is uniformly distributed between -0.5 and 0.5, it follows a rectangular probability distribution with a width of 1 (0.5 - (-0.5)) and height 1. The probability density function (PDF) of X can be represented as:
f(x) = { 1, -0.5 <= x <= 0.5; 0, otherwise}

2. Calculate the convolution of X with itself 50 times:
To find the PDF of S, we need to convolve the rectangular PDF of X with itself 50 times. This convolution operation can be quite complex and computationally intensive, requiring numerical methods or software tools. It involves performing the convolution operation repeatedly using the PDF of X as one of the inputs.

3. Evaluate the probability that S differs from the exact sum by 3:
Once we have the PDF of S, we can calculate the probability that S differs from the exact sum by 3. This involves finding the area under the PDF curve of S within a range of -3 to 3 (since we are interested in a difference of 3).

The final result will be the approximate probability that the resultant sum differs from the exact sum by 3.

Please note that the actual calculations can be complex, involving numerical methods and software tools. It's recommended to use appropriate statistical software like R, Python, or MATLAB to perform these computations accurately.