the distance between DELHI TO Meerut is 75km two trains speed of 100km/h & 80 km/h leave the two station at 8am towards each other at what time will they pass each other

they approach each other at 180 km/h

75 km * (1 h/180 km) = .4167 h

* 60 min/h = 25 minutes
8:25 am

actually the express train from Delhi to Meerut seems to go about 44 km/hr by the way:

To find out the time at which the two trains will pass each other, we can use the formula:

Time = Distance / Relative Speed

In this case, the distance between Delhi and Meerut is 75 km and the relative speed of the two trains is the sum of their individual speeds, which is 100 km/h + 80 km/h = 180 km/h.

Plugging these values into the formula:

Time = 75 km / 180 km/h

Time = 0.4167 hours

To convert this into minutes, we multiply by 60:

Time = 0.4167 hours * 60 minutes/hour

Time = 25 minutes

Therefore, the two trains will pass each other approximately 25 minutes after they start their journey at 8 am.

To find out at what time the two trains will pass each other, we need to use the formula:

Time = Distance / Speed

Let's calculate the time it takes for each train to cover the distance between Delhi and Meerut separately.

Train 1:
Distance = 75 km
Speed = 100 km/h
Time taken by Train 1 = Distance / Speed = 75 km / 100 km/h = 0.75 hours

Train 2:
Distance = 75 km
Speed = 80 km/h
Time taken by Train 2 = Distance / Speed = 75 km / 80 km/h = 0.9375 hours

Since both trains left their respective stations at 8 am, we will add the time taken by both trains to determine the total time it takes for them to meet:

Total time = Time taken by Train 1 + Time taken by Train 2
= 0.75 hours + 0.9375 hours
= 1.6875 hours

Now, we need to add this total time to the starting time of 8 am to find the passing time:

Passing time = Starting time + Total time
= 8 am + 1.6875 hours

To convert the decimal part (0.6875) to minutes, we'll multiply it by 60. So:

Passing time = 8 am + 1.6875 hours
≈ 8 am + 1 hour 41 minutes
= 9:41 am

Therefore, the two trains will pass each other at approximately 9:41 am.