59. The scale on a map is 1 inch= x miles. What is the distance, in inches, on the map between two cities that are m miles apart?

d = 1in/Xmi. * M mi = M/X inches.

To find the distance between two cities on a map when given the scale and the actual distance between them, you can use the scale conversion factor to determine the distance on the map. Let's break down the problem.

Scale on the map: 1 inch = x miles
Actual distance between two cities: m miles

To find:
Distance on the map in inches

To solve the problem, you need to set up a proportion using the scale on the map and the actual distance. The proportion can be set up as follows:

1 inch / x miles = Distance on the map in inches / m miles

To solve for the distance on the map in inches, cross-multiply and solve for the unknown:

1 inch * m miles = x miles * Distance on the map in inches

Multiplying both sides by m miles:

Distance on the map in inches = (1 inch * m miles) / x miles

Therefore, the distance on the map between the two cities in inches can be calculated as (1 inch * m miles) / x miles.