thanks damon! u rock! another quick do you estimate the total precipitation in inches and the total number of days with precipitation asheville and wichita

asheville= 47.71 inches 124 days

wichita = 28.61 inches 85 days

50 in 125 and 30 in 90?

50 in 100 and 30 in 90

To estimate the total precipitation in inches and the total number of days with precipitation in Asheville and Wichita, you can simply refer to the given data:

For Asheville:
Total precipitation in inches: 47.71 inches
Total number of days with precipitation: 124 days

For Wichita:
Total precipitation in inches: 28.61 inches
Total number of days with precipitation: 85 days

These values already represent the totals for each metric. There is no need for any additional calculations.