How many gold coins are there in a jar of 88 coins,if there are 1/3 as many silver coins as gold coins? The answer is 66, but I cannot work it out,please explain thanks

Let no.of silver coins be X

.'. No.of gold coins will be 3X
Given that total no.of coins =88
.'. X+3X=88
4X = 88
X= 22
.'. No.of gold coins (3X)= 22 x 3= 66

Well, well, well! Seems like we have a puzzling question here, don't we?

Let's break it down step by step. We know there are 88 coins in total in the jar.

Now, it states that there are 1/3 as many silver coins as gold coins. So, if we let the number of gold coins be "x," we can say that the number of silver coins is 1/3 of x, or (1/3)x.

Putting it all together, we have x gold coins and (1/3)x silver coins, making a total of 88 coins.

To find x, we add the gold and silver coins together:

x + (1/3)x = 88

Now we need to get rid of that pesky fraction. We can do this by multiplying the entire equation by 3:

3x + x = 264

Simplifying, we get:

4x = 264

And finally, solving for x:

x = 264/4

Drumroll, please... x equals 66!

So, there you have it, my friend. In a jar of 88 coins, with 1/3 as many silver coins as gold coins, you have 66 gold coins.

I hope that explanation made you smile, even if math can sometimes be a bit clown-ish.

To find the number of gold coins in the jar, we can use the information given:

Let's assume the number of gold coins in the jar is x.

We are told that there are 1/3 as many silver coins as gold coins. This means the number of silver coins is 1/3 of x, which can be written as x/3.

The total number of coins in the jar is given as 88. So, we can set up an equation:

x + x/3 = 88

To solve this equation, we need to eliminate the fraction. We can do this by multiplying every term by the common denominator, which is 3:

3x + x = 3 * 88
4x = 264
x = 264/4
x = 66

Therefore, there are 66 gold coins in the jar.

To solve this problem, we need to use the information given in the question. Let's break it down step by step.

1. Start with the number of gold coins in the jar. Let's call it 'G'.
2. According to the question, there are 1/3 as many silver coins as gold coins. So the number of silver coins would be 1/3 of 'G'. We can express this as (1/3) * G or (G/3).
3. The total number of coins in the jar is given as 88. Therefore, we can set up an equation using the information:
G + (G/3) = 88
Simplifying the equation, we can multiply both sides by 3 to get rid of the fraction:
3G + G = 88 * 3
4G = 264
4. Divide both sides by 4 to solve for 'G':
G = 264 / 4
G = 66

Therefore, there are 66 gold coins in the jar.

gold coins --- x

silver coins -- (1/3)x

x + (1/3)x = 88
times 3
3x + x = 264
x = 66

there are 66 gold coins and (1/3)(66) or 22 silver coins