a bag contains 400 coins ,and 33 1/2 % are nickels, how many nickels are there?what percent of the coins are not nickels

400 * 0.335 = 134

400 - 134 = ?

To find the number of nickels in the bag, we need to calculate 33 1/2 % of 400 coins.

Step 1: Convert 33 1/2 % to a decimal.
33 1/2 % = 33.5 รท 100 = 0.335

Step 2: Multiply the decimal by the total number of coins.
Number of nickels = 0.335 * 400 = 134

Therefore, there are 134 nickels in the bag.

To find the percentage of coins that are not nickels, we can subtract the percentage of nickels from 100%.

Step 1: Subtract the percentage of nickels (33 1/2 %) from 100%.
Percentage of non-nickels = 100% - 33 1/2 % = 100% - 33.5% = 66.5%

Therefore, 66.5% of the coins in the bag are not nickels.

1.0 - 0.335 = ______%