Thanks for the help on my last problem! I have one more thing I need help with...

Create the logic for a program that calculates and displays the amount of money you would have if you invested $3000 at 2.65 percent interest for one year.
Create a separate method to do the calculation and display the result.

see other post.

To calculate and display the amount of money you would have after investing $3000 at 2.65 percent interest for one year, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Define the separate method to perform the calculation. Let's call it `calculateInterest`.

Step 2: In the `calculateInterest` method, calculate the interest earned using the formula:
`interest = principal * rate`
Where `principal` is $3000 and `rate` is 2.65%.

Step 3: Calculate the total amount including the interest using the formula:
`totalAmount = principal + interest`

Step 4: Return the `totalAmount` calculated in the `calculateInterest` method.

Step 5: In the main program or another method, call the `calculateInterest` method and store the returned result.

Step 6: Display the result with an appropriate message.

Here's an example implementation in Java:

public class InterestCalculator {

public static void main(String[] args) {
double amount = calculateInterest(3000, 2.65);
System.out.println("The total amount after one year of investment is: $" + amount);

public static double calculateInterest(double principal, double rate) {
double interest = principal * (rate / 100);
double totalAmount = principal + interest;
return totalAmount;

In this example, the `calculateInterest` method takes the principal amount and the interest rate as parameters, calculates the interest earned, adds it to the principal, and returns the total amount. The main method calls this `calculateInterest` method and then displays the result using `System.out.println`.

Remember to adjust the code according to the programming language and syntax you are using.