How many square feet of grass are there on a trapezoidal field with a height of 75 feet and bases of 125 feet and 81 feet.

I know the formula is A = h( b + b) / 2

A = 75 ( 125 + 81) / 2

A = 75 ( 206 ) /2

OK, my question is do you divide the 206 by 2 and multiply times 75 or multiply 75 times 206 and then divide by 2

either way.

(a*b)/c = (b/c)a = a b / c

thank you

you could easily have verified it on your handy dandy calculator. Can't believe you went to the trouble of posting such an easy thing to check.

To find the area of a trapezoidal field, we can use the formula A = h(b1 + b2) / 2, where A represents the area, h represents the height, b1 represents the length of the first base, and b2 represents the length of the second base.

In this case, you have a trapezoidal field with a height of 75 feet, a first base length (b1) of 125 feet, and a second base length (b2) of 81 feet.

To find the area, you substitute these values into the formula:

A = 75(125 + 81) / 2

Now, you are unsure about the order of the calculation.

To clarify, you should calculate the sum of the bases (125 + 81) first. The result will be 206.

Then, you multiply the result by the height (75) and divide it by 2.

Therefore, the correct calculation is:

A = 75 × 206 / 2

Once you have the result, you can perform the multiplication first:

A = 15450 / 2

And finally, divide the result by 2:

A = 7725 square feet

So, the trapezoidal field has an area of 7725 square feet.