The oral evacuation system is held with the _______ grasp.

A. thumb-to-nose
B. palm
C. thumb-ring
D. pinky-to-nose

I said B and was wrong.

Thank you!

is it thumb to nose????

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Thumb to nose

To determine the correct answer, we can break down the question and analyze each option provided.

Option A - Thumb-to-nose grasp: This grasp does not match the conventional way of holding the oral evacuation system, so it is unlikely to be the correct answer.

Option B - Palm grasp: This is the answer you initially selected. However, it might not be accurate because the oral evacuation system is not typically held solely in the palm.

Option C - Thumb-ring grasp: This grasp involves holding the oral evacuation system with the thumb through a ring. While it may seem plausible, it is not a common method of holding the oral evacuation system.

Option D - Pinky-to-nose grasp: This grasp, like option A, does not align with the typical way of holding the oral evacuation system.

Given the options, the most likely correct answer is C - thumb-ring grasp. However, it is important to note that different dental professionals may have individual preferences in holding the oral evacuation system. It would be advisable to consult your dental instructor or refer to the specific guidelines provided in your dental training materials to confirm the accepted standard in your practice setting.