skimming and scanning from part of the ......... reading strategies

Skimming and scanning are two reading strategies that can help you quickly locate specific information or get a general overview of a text without reading every word. These strategies are beneficial when you have limited time or when you're trying to find specific details in a large amount of text.

Skimming involves quickly glancing over the text to get a general understanding without reading it in detail. Here's how you can skim a text:

1. Read the title, headings, and subheadings: These elements give you an idea of what the text is about and the main points it covers.

2. Read the first and last sentence of each paragraph: This helps you understand the main idea of each paragraph without diving into the details.

3. Look for keywords and phrases: Pay attention to words that are in bold or italics, as they may indicate important information. Also, look for keywords relevant to your purpose or information you're seeking.

4. Notice visual cues: Images, charts, graphs, and bullet points can provide a quick overview of the content and may help you grasp the main points more easily.

Scanning, on the other hand, involves searching for specific information within a text. It is useful when you are looking for particular details or specific answers to questions. Here's how you can scan a text:

1. Identify the specific information you are looking for: Determine what exactly you need to find in the text.

2. Move your eyes quickly over the text: Instead of reading word by word, move your eyes rapidly across the lines, focusing on specific keywords or phrases.

3. Ignore irrelevant information: Skim past sections that do not contain the information you need, focusing only on the parts that are relevant.

4. Use visual cues and formatting: Look for headings, subheadings, bullet points, and formatting techniques like bold or italicized text to quickly locate relevant information.

By using these strategies, you can read efficiently, save time, and extract the information you need from a text without reading every single word.