What is the area of a regular pentagon with a side length of 9.4 feet and an apothem length of 6.5 feet?

the pentagon consists of 5 triangles, each with altitude 6.5 and base 9.4

Now it's easy, right?

To find the area of a regular pentagon, you can use the formula:

Area = (Perimeter * Apothem) / 2

In this case, you are given the side length and the apothem length.

Step 1: Calculate the perimeter of the regular pentagon.
The perimeter of a regular pentagon is given by the formula:
Perimeter = 5 * Side Length

Given a side length of 9.4 feet, we can calculate the perimeter as:
Perimeter = 5 * 9.4 = 47 feet

Step 2: Substitute the calculated perimeter and the given apothem into the area formula.
Area = (Perimeter * Apothem) / 2
Area = (47 * 6.5) / 2

Step 3: Calculate the area.
Area = (47 * 6.5) / 2
Area = 305.5 / 2
Area = 152.75 square feet

Therefore, the area of the regular pentagon with a side length of 9.4 feet and an apothem length of 6.5 feet is 152.75 square feet.