An astronaut in a spaceship is listening to his music. Calculate the time it takes to play a 4.00 minute song at 0.1c

Whose watch?


To calculate the time it takes to play a 4.00 minute song at 0.1c, we need to take into account time dilation, which occurs due to the relativistic effects of traveling at high speeds.

The equation for time dilation is:

t' = t / √(1 - v^2/c^2)

t' = time as experienced by the astronaut
t = time as measured in the stationary frame (Earth)
v = velocity of the spaceship
c = speed of light

In this case, the velocity of the spaceship is 0.1c. So, v = 0.1c.

Substituting these values into the equation, we get:

t' = 4 / √(1 - (0.1c)^2/c^2)

Simplifying further:

t' = 4 / √(1 - 0.01)

t' = 4 / √(0.99)

t' = 4 / 0.9949874371

t' ≈ 4.02 minutes

Therefore, according to the time dilation effect, it would take approximately 4.02 minutes for the astronaut to play a 4.00 minute song at 0.1c.