How did the first world war play an important role in many aspects of Art Deco and designers, How did it change the role of women and men?

The First World War had a significant impact on the development of Art Deco and the role of women and men in society. To understand this connection, let's explore each aspect:

1. Art Deco and Designers:
During the war, many resources, including materials and manpower, were diverted towards military efforts. This led to a scarcity of materials for traditional crafts and design styles, such as elaborate ornamentation and ornate furniture. As a result, designers started to embrace simpler, streamlined forms and geometric patterns. The Art Deco movement emerged as a response to these limitations, combining modern aesthetics with luxurious materials like chrome, glass, and exotic woods. The war's influence on resource scarcity and the need for more practical design solutions helped shape the Art Deco style.

2. Changing Roles of Women:
The First World War created a significant shift in gender roles as women had to take on new responsibilities in the absence of men who were drafted for military service. With men away, women filled various roles traditionally occupied by them, including factory work, transportation, and even military positions. The war effort highlighted women's capabilities and contributed to the suffrage movement, demanding equal rights for women. These changing societal perceptions of women's roles and capabilities during the war influenced the rise of the modern woman in the 1920s, which is often associated with the Art Deco era.

3. Changing Roles of Men:
The war had a direct impact on men's roles and expectations. Many men were drafted into military service, leaving behind their conventional professions and responsibilities. The horrors of the war challenged traditional notions of masculinity and created a sense of disillusionment. Post-war, societal shifts led to changes in men's appearance and behavior. The streamlined aesthetics of Art Deco, with its emphasis on angular forms and clean lines, reflected this changing view of masculinity, moving away from the elaborate and ornate styles associated with the Victorian era.

To summarize, the First World War had a profound influence on both Art Deco and the roles of women and men. The scarcity of resources during the war influenced the birth of the Art Deco movement, characterized by streamlined designs. Additionally, the war redefined gender roles as women took on new responsibilities, contributing to the rise of the modern woman, while men faced shifts in societal expectations of masculinity.