Avery paid $168 on a cell phone. What was the original price of the phone if he got it at a 30 percent discount?

0.7x = 168

x = 240

To find the original price of the phone, we need to work backwards from the discounted price that Avery paid. Here's how we can do it:

Step 1: Calculate the discount amount.
Discount is given as 30 percent, which means Avery paid 70 percent (100% - 30%) of the original price. We can find the discount amount using the following formula:
Discount amount = Original price × (Discount percent / 100)
In this case, the discount amount is:
Discount amount = Original price × (30 / 100)

Step 2: Calculate the discounted price.
The discounted price is the original price minus the discount amount. We can calculate it using the following formula:
Discounted price = Original price - Discount amount
In this case, the discounted price is:
Discounted price = Original price - (Original price × (30 / 100))
Discounted price = Original price - (Original price × 0.30)

Step 3: Find the original price.
Since we know the discounted price ($168), we can rearrange the formula from step 2 to solve for the original price:
Original price = Discounted price / (1 - (Discount percent / 100))
In this case, the original price is:
Original price = $168 / (1 - (30 / 100))

Calculating this expression will give us the original price:
Original price = $168 / (1 - 0.30)
Original price = $168 / 0.70
Original price ≈ $240

Therefore, the original price of the phone was approximately $240.