A car travels 2.74 km in the x-direction, then turns left 61.2◦to the original direction and travels an additional distance of 3.19 km.

Calculate the x component of the car’s net

2.74 + 3.19 cos 61.2

To calculate the x-component of the car's net displacement, we need to determine the total distance traveled in the x-direction.

First, let's calculate the distance traveled in the x-direction before the car turned left. Given that the car traveled 2.74 km, the x-component of the initial displacement is simply 2.74 km.

Next, we need to calculate the distance traveled in the x-direction after the car turned left. To do this, we need to determine the horizontal component of the distance traveled after the left turn.

To find the horizontal component, we can use trigonometry. Since the car turned left at an angle of 61.2 degrees, we can use the cosine function to find the horizontal component:

x-component = distance * cos(angle)

Using this formula, we can calculate the x-component after the left turn:

x-component_after_turn = 3.19 km * cos(61.2 degrees)

Now, we can find the x-component of the car's net displacement by adding the x-components before and after the turn:

net_displacement_x = x-component_before_turn + x-component_after_turn

Substituting the values we have:

net_displacement_x = 2.74 km + (3.19 km * cos(61.2 degrees))

Evaluating this expression will give us the x component of the car's net displacement.