Benadryl is on sell this week for 20% off of the normal selling price at $10.00 per unit. If the pharmacy purchased Benadryl at $8.00 per unit, what is the gross profit percentage?

I will assume from your poorly worded question that the sale price is $10.00

so if the original is $x
.8x = 10
x = 10/8 = 12.50

Now, do you need the profit percentage before or after the sale?
You decide

yes i do


profit = 12.50 - 8.00 = 4.5

percentage profit = 4.5/8 = .5625 or 56.25%

To calculate the gross profit percentage, you need to find the difference between the selling price and the cost price, and then express it as a percentage of the cost price.

First, let's find the selling price after the discount. Benadryl is on sale for 20% off, so you would subtract 20% of the selling price from the original selling price.

20% of $10.00 is (20/100) * $10.00 = $2.00.

The selling price after the discount is $10.00 - $2.00 = $8.00 per unit.

Now, we can calculate the gross profit per unit by subtracting the cost price from the selling price:

$8.00 - $8.00 = $0.00 per unit.

Since the gross profit per unit is $0.00, the gross profit percentage is also 0%.

Therefore, the gross profit percentage for this particular sale of Benadryl is 0%.