I need some help on how to write constraints. For example, I don't get how to do these problems and write a constraint for them:

1) A food store owner buys turkeys and hams. The owner plans to purchase at most a total of 50 products. Write a constraint.

2) The food store owner plans to purchase at most 10 more turkeys than hams. Write the constraint.


To write constraints, you need to identify the variables related to the problem and their relationships or limitations. In this case, the variables are turkeys and hams, and the limitation is the total number of products the store owner plans to purchase.

1) Constraint for the total number of products:
Let T be the number of turkeys and H be the number of hams. We know that the owner plans to purchase at most a total of 50 products. This can be written as the following constraint:
T + H ≤ 50

2) Constraint for the difference in quantities:
In this problem, the owner plans to purchase at most 10 more turkeys than hams. We can represent this constraint using the variables T and H as follows:
T - H ≤ 10

These constraints ensure that the number of turkeys and hams purchased remains within the specified limits.