Mutations during which of the following processes in animals will affect offspring of succeeding generations?

A Meiosis
B. Mitosis
C. Translation
D. Transcription

I think A!



Correct! Mutations during meiosis in animals will affect the offspring of succeeding generations. Meiosis is the process of cell division that results in the production of gametes (sperm and eggs), which carry genetic material from one generation to the next. Any mutations that occur during meiosis can be passed on to future generations through the reproductive cells.

You are correct! Mutations during the process of meiosis in animals will affect the offspring of succeeding generations. Meiosis is the cellular division process that leads to the formation of gametes (sex cells) with half the number of chromosomes compared to the parent cell. During meiosis, genetic material is exchanged between chromosomes, resulting in genetic variation. If a mutation occurs during meiosis, it can be passed onto the offspring, and potentially to future generations as well. This is because meiosis is involved in the production of eggs and sperm, which are the cells responsible for contributing genetic information to the offspring. Therefore, any mutations that occur during meiosis have the potential to alter the genetic makeup of the offspring and subsequent generations.