Which of the following is true regarding the structure of atoms?

A. The amount of charge on a proton is greater than the amount of charge on an electron.

B. Isotopes of an element differ in the number of protons in the nucleus.

C. The mass of each electron is the same as the mass of each proton.

D. The neutrons make up a significant part of the atomic mass.

I think D! :)


Thank you!

Actually, the correct option is D. The neutrons do make up a significant part of the atomic mass.

To determine which of the given options is true regarding the structure of atoms, let's analyze each option.

A. The amount of charge on a proton is greater than the amount of charge on an electron.
To verify this statement, we need to recall the fundamental properties of protons and electrons. Protons have a positive charge, whereas electrons have a negative charge. The magnitude of the charge on a proton is equal to the magnitude of the charge on an electron. Therefore, option A is incorrect.

B. Isotopes of an element differ in the number of protons in the nucleus.
Isotopes are atoms of the same element that differ in the number of neutrons. They have the same number of protons because the number of protons determines the atomic number and, therefore, the element itself. Option B is incorrect.

C. The mass of each electron is the same as the mass of each proton.
The mass of a proton is approximately 2,000 times greater than the mass of an electron. Therefore, option C is incorrect.

D. The neutrons make up a significant part of the atomic mass.
Neutrons are subatomic particles that do not have an electrical charge. They contribute to the atomic mass of an atom but have no impact on the atomic number since the atomic number is determined by the number of protons. Consequently, option D is correct.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. The neutrons make up a significant part of the atomic mass.